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dc.contributor.authorMonge-Benito, Sergio-
dc.contributor.authorElorriaga Illera, Angeriñe-
dc.contributor.authorOlabarri-Fernández, Elena-
dc.identifier.citationMonge-Benito, S., Elorriaga-Illera, A. and Olabarri-Fernández, E. (2020). YouTube celebrity endorsement: audience evaluation of source attributes and response to sponsored content. A case study of influencer Verdeliss. Communication & Society,33(3),149-166. https://doi.org/10.15581/
dc.description.abstractThis article analyses follower response to the growing number of product endorsements present in YouTube videos published under the username “Verdeliss” by Estefanía Unzu Ripoll, Spain’s most popular YouTube influencer on the topic of maternity and childcare. Results of a self-administered online survey of 949 Verdeliss followers focused on their individual evaluations of source attributes indicate that Unzu Ripoll’s YouTube fans tend to buy products she endorses on the basis of her perceived likeability and expertise, and that the overall influence she exerts on their purchasing decisions is slight. In closing, the authors offer insights into how social media influencers can enhance the effectiveness of their online endorsements and identify tactics brands can employ to ensure that the influencers they collaborate with are optimally suited to promote their products.es_ES
dc.publisherCommunication & Societyes_ES
dc.titleYouTube celebrity endorsement: audience evaluation of source attributes and response to sponsored content. A case study of influencer Verdelisses_ES
dc.title.alternativeCommunication & Societyes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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