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Título : Extending influence on social media: The behaviour of political talk-show opinion leaders on Twitter
Otros títulos : Communication & Society
Autor : Marcos García, Silvia
Alonso-Muñoz, Laura
López-Meri, Amparo
Palabras clave : influence
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Communication & Society
Citación : Marcos-García, S., Alonso-Muñoz, L. and López-Meri, A. (2020). Extending influence on social media: The behaviour of political talk-show opinion leaders on Twitter. Communication & Society,33(2), 277-293https://doi.org/10.15581/
Resumen : Social media, especially Twitter, has become a strategic space for those users who try to extend their influence in the digital environment. This work focuses on opinion leaders who participate in political talk-shows. The aim is to analyse the use and the thematic agenda proposed by these actors on Twitter during electoral periods. The Twitter profiles of 20 opinion leaders (journalists, media editors and experts) of four Spanish television channels are examined. A quantitative content analysis is used on 2,588 tweets disseminated during the November 2019 general election campaign in Spain by them. Results show differences between the different types of actors who make up the sample. Journalists use Twitter to express their criticisms and reinforce their community of followers, especially using interaction and humour. Media editors are more neutral and promote their personal brand through the promotion of their media companies. Experts inform and analyse political news more than journalists, although they also criticise and respond to citizens’ comments. Regarding the subject agenda, messages on electoral results and media content predominate. Thus, the data shows how opinion leaders take advantage of Twitter to freely show their opinions, especially negative ones, and boost dialogue with users.
URI : https://repositorio.consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec//handle/CONSEJO_REP/2555
ISSN : 2386-7876
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