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Título : Compositional representation (CoDa) of the Agenda-setting of the political opinion makers in the main Spanish media groups in the 2015 general election
Otros títulos : Communication & Society
Autor : Blasco-Duatis, Marc
Saez, Marc
Fernández-García, Nuria
Palabras clave : agenda
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Communication & Society
Citación : Blasco-Duatis, M., Saez, M. and Fernández-García, N. (2018). Compositional representation (CoDa) of the Agenda-setting of the political opinion makers in the main Spanish media groups in the 2015 general election. Communication & Society31(2), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.15581/003.31.35708
Resumen : This article presents an innovative proposal to represent the agenda-setting of the main Spanish media groups (RTVE, Prisa, Vocento, Unidad Editorial, COPE, Atresmedia, Planeta, Godó, Mediaset España and Libertad Digital) in the context of the 2015 Spanish general election. The study uses a quantitative method based on a content analysis of the main Spanish radio and TV programmes with political opinion spaces and the main newspapers linked to these media groups. Furthermore, the compositional methodological approach the CoDa-biplot is used to visualise and emphasise the relative salience of the components under study. The article not only provides a mapping of the agenda of the main media groups in the electoral context, but it also reaches the representation of the effects of priming and the spiral of silence in the proportional study of the issues and senders of the agenda.
URI : https://repositorio.consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec//handle/CONSEJO_REP/3469
ISSN : 2386-7876
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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