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dc.contributor.authorPerelló-Oliver, Salvador-
dc.contributor.authorMuela-Molina, Clara-
dc.identifier.citationMuela-Molina, C., and Perelló-Oliver, S.(2014). “Advertisingself-regulation. A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and Spain”, Communication & Society / Comunicación y Sociedad, Vol. 27, n. 3, 2014, pp. 1-18.https://doi.org/10.15581/003.27.35983es_ES
dc.description.abstractBased on the criteria and parameters considered decisive by the European Union for an effective self-regulation model in advertising, this work carries out a comparative analysis between the advertising self-regulation systems in the United Kingdom and Spain. Setting the British system as a benchmark due to its effectiveness, the main objective of the study is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish system in terms of independence, effectiveness, funding and coverage. In line with the best practice model and in view of the results obtained, certain improvement tools are proposed within a framework of an independent and proactive body.es_ES
dc.publisherCommunication & Societyes_ES
dc.titleAdvertising self-regulation. A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and Spaines_ES
dc.title.alternativeCommunication & Societyes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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