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dc.contributor.authorJiménez-Valero, Javier-
dc.identifier.citationJiménez-Valero, J. (2023). Impact of technical and artistic media on historical rigor of the air combat film productions. Communication & Society,36(2), 129-150. https://doi.org/10.15581/
dc.description.abstractThis article explains how the technical and artistic means used in the production of air combat cinema have a direct impact on the historical rigor of these films. Through the analysis of 180 productions of this subgenre, a study has been made of these techniques and their evolution over time, as well as the impact they have had on the historical rigor of the films in which they have been used. Obtaining, as a result, a global vision of the suitability of the technical and artistic solutions that this type of cinema has used to represent History in audiovisual format.es_ES
dc.publisherCommunication and Societyes_ES
dc.titleImpact of technical and artistic media on historical rigor of the air combat film productionses_ES
dc.title.alternativeCommunication and Societyes_ES
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