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dc.contributor.authorMoreno, José A.-
dc.contributor.authorKinn, Mira-
dc.contributor.authorNarberhaus, Marta-
dc.identifier.citationMoreno, J., Kinn, M., and Narberhaus, M. (2023). A Discussion of Think Tanks in Climate Obstruction in Response to the “Analysis of the Moreno et al. (2022) Publication on EIKE Using Peter Gleick’s Toolbox”. International Journal Of Communication, 17, 10. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/21017/4096es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn January 2022, we published the paper “A Stronghold of Climate Change Denialism in Germany: Case Study of the Output and Press Representation of the Think Tank EIKE.” Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie’s (EIKE’s) spokesperson has produced a rejoinder to our study, based on unfounded accusations through a misinterpretation of Gleick’s toolbox on “Deceitful Tactics and Abuse of the Scientific Process.” Here, we respond to those accusations by reviewing new evidence available on EIKE and provide further clarification of our conclusions based on the response received and the latest literature. We conclude that EIKE constitutes a clear example of an organization that masquerades as a think tank but whose work does not conform to the academic standards characteristic of such entities. Holding a key role in the German climate countermovement, its goal is not to promote scientific integrity, but rather to distort climate debates and obstruct climate action.es_ES
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Communicationes_ES
dc.titleA Discussion of Think Tanks in Climate Obstruction in Response to the “Analysis of the Moreno et al. (2022) Publication on EIKE Using Peter Gleick’s Toolbox”es_ES
dc.title.alternativeInternational Journal of Communicationes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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