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Título : That Is So Mainstream: The Impact of Hyper-Partisan Media Use and Right-, Left-Wing Alternative Media Repertoires on Consumers’ Belief in Political Misperceptions in the United States
Otros títulos : International Journal of Communication
Autor : Shaughnessy, Brittany
Hutchens, Myiah J.
DuBosar, Eliana
Palabras clave : media
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editorial : International Journal of Communication
Citación : Shaughnessy, B., Hutchens, M.,and DuBosar, E. (2024). That Is So Mainstream: The Impact of Hyper-Partisan Media Use and Right-, Left-Wing Alternative Media Repertoires on Consumers’ Belief in Political Misperceptions in the United States. International Journal Of Communication, 18, 21. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/21055/4524
Resumen : Two studies examined hyper-partisan and alternative media audiences in the United States and their relationship with misperceptions—or false beliefs—despite available evidence to disprove them. Study 1, which used secondary data (ANES), yielded limited findings and suggested that hyper-partisan conservative content was associated with holding misperceptions. Study 2 used an original survey (N = 661) to examine American alternative media repertoires and their relationship with holding false beliefs. The findings of Study 2 suggested that not only is alternative media exposure related to misperceptions but so was exposure to media generally among our respondents.
URI : https://repositorio.consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec//handle/CONSEJO_REP/7703
ISSN : 1932-8036
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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