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Resultados 41-50 de 129.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023The Hate Office? Bolsonaro’s Discourse and COVID-19 Online DisinformationRibeiro-Ferreira, Ricardo; Alcantara, Juliana
2023The Trust Factor: Investigating the Triple Role of News Media Trust on Perceived Migrant ThreatDe-Coninck, David; Boomgarden, Hajo G.; Kronschnabl, Hannah; d'Haenens, Leen
2023A Revealing “Confession” or Another Publicity Stunt? Reflections on Social Media Entrepreneurship on WeiboSun, Q.
2023Reading Emotions in the Digital Age: A Deep Learning Approach to Detecting Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Social MediaJeong, Jinwoo; Yoon, Sujin; Sohn, Dongyong; Choi, Young S.
2023Stability as an Outcome in Communication ResearchLong, Jacob A.
2023Queer Podcasting as a Medium of Visibility in Türkiye’s Media Ecosystem: A Content Analysis on EpisodesTufan, Firat; Şenyüz, Bilge
2023The Go-Betweens: Political Discussion Management Practices on Social Media Among Political Aides—A Comparative StudySabag-Ben-Porat, Chen; Haleva-Amir, Sharon
2023Political Campaign Ads on Facebook: Investigating the Effects of Incivility in Videos and User Comments on Affective Polarization and MobilizationNeyazi, Taberes; Kuru, Ozan; Mukerjee, Sibhayan
2023Two Tales of One War: Understanding the Media Coverage of the Yemeni Civil War in Saudi Arabia and QatarDuman, Talha; Yolcu, Furkan
2023Coming Out of the Fog of War and Adoption Trauma: Central American Adoptees and Social Media Support GroupsRossi, Nathan