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Resultados 5571-5580 de 8181.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Agenda-Setting Effects During Times of Social Disruption: The Influence of Mass Media and Personal Experiences on Societal ConcernsSchaller, Sophia; Arlt, Dorothee; Wolling, Jens
2024The First Spanish-Language Album to Reach Number One: El Último Tour del Mundo, Bad Bunny, and the Billboard 200Westgate, Christopher J.
2020-10-21Indicador de Medición en Psicología online en América Latina en tiempos de pandemiaTrejos-Gil, Carlos Andrés; Castro Escobar, Huber Yesid; Amador Sánchez, Omar Augusto
2020-07-30Análisis de la caracterización discursiva de los relatos migratorios en Twitter. El caso AquariusFernández Fernández, Ángel; Revilla Guijarro, Almudena; Andaluz Antón, Lucía
2024From Emancipation to Confusing the Nation: Social Media and Figurations of Disinformation a Decade After the Arab UprisingsElsherif, Nermin; Anwar, Tasniem
2024From Information Poverty to Information Deficit: An Intersectional Analysis of Women of Color’s News Information-Seeking Habits in the Digital AgePeterson-Salahuddin, Chelsea
2024Unfair Competition: How States Use Disinformation to Exercise Public DiplomacyManfredi, Juan L.
2024Developing an Affordance-Practice Framework to Data Practices: How Civic Technologists Practice Data Literacy Cross-RegionallyAlvarado-Rojas, Alejandro
2024From Cultivation to Self-Cultivation: Alternative Media and Reinforcing Spirals in a Fragmented Media EnvironmentCöster, Angélica; Shehata, Adam
2024Dual Impact of Tie Strength and Visibility of Action on Political Participation TypesChen, Simin M.