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Resultados 5731-5740 de 8172.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Janus-Faced Portrayal: News Representation of Migrant Workers in Malaysian Newspapers Amid COVID-19Lai, Huihuang; Idris, Hanizah; Gong, Jiankun
2024Journalistic Theater: A Case Study of Reporting on People’s Emotional Response to Current Affairs With the Body as MediumPostema, Stijin
2019-01-29¿Cómo interactúan los adolescentes con los videojuegos? Preferencias y habilidades performativasMuñoz González, Juan Manuel; Segovia Aguilar, Blas
2024Talking Facts and Establishing (In)Justice: Discussing Public Matters on InstagramSalte, Luise
2024Two-Sided Narration and In-Group Narrator: Examining the Effects of Different Strategies of Mediated Public DiplomacyGuan, Tianru; Yin, Yue; Yang, Yilu
2024“I Care Where You Come From”: Testing the Conditional Moderated Mediation of Country-of-Origin Effect in Multinational Enterprises’ Corporate Social Responsibility CommunicationSong, BaoBao
2024What You See from These Survival Games is What Machines Get and Know: Squid Game, Surveillance Capitalism, and Platformized SpectatorshipKim, Jihoon
2024Uncertainty Communication in a High-Trust Society: Source Type, Political Preference, and TrustIhlen, Øyvind; Fladmoe, Audun; Steen-Johnsen, Karen
2024Public Service Media and the Internet: Two Decades in ReviewD'Arma, Alessandro; Barclay, Steven; Aslama-Horowitz, Minna
2024“These Parents, Themselves, Are Using These Children as Pawns”: The Politicization of Childhood at the U.S.-Mexico BorderWalters, Alyvia