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Resultados 5791-5800 de 8152.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Women, Antifeminism, and Platforms: The Discourses of Misogyny| Gender in VOX’s Ideology: Legitimization Strategy or Central Category?Innerarity, Carmen; Pérez-Agote, José M.; Lasanta-Palacios, María
2024Women, Antifeminism, and Platforms: The Discourses of Misogyny| Value Change Regarding Gender Roles and Backlash in Europe: Is Gender a New Polarization Element?Bartolomé-Peral, Edurne; Silvestre, María; Kamatayeva, Ayauzhan; Voicu, Bogdan
2024Women, Antifeminism, and Platforms: The Discourses of Misogyny| Resistance to Profem Employer Messages in Talent Attraction: The Case of Employer Femvertising Campaigns on LinkedInAzanza, Garazi; Ronda, Lorena; Sanz, Begoña
2024Women, Antifeminism, and Platforms: The Discourses of Misogyny| Insta-Hate Toward Female Political Leaders: Six Case Studies From InstagramPérez-Tirado, Irene; Calvo-Viota, Adriana C.; Igarzábal, Belén
2024Barili, F. (2024). Bossware| The Platformization of Worker Surveillance: Materialities and Imaginaries in Teramind and Time Doctor. International Journal Of Communication, 18, 23. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/21365/4664Barili, Fabricio
2024Women, Antifeminism, and Platforms: The Discourses of Misogyny| Misogynistic Discourse, a Blind Spot in Definitions of TerrorismGutierrez, Merin; Lozano, María; Moreno-Cano, Antonia
2007-01-01Luces y sombras del periodismo ciudadano: actitud frente a un fenómeno imparableMartínez Solana, Yolanda
2024Pandemic-Incited Intermediated Communication| Citizens’ Strategies for Navigating News and Misinformation in the COVID-19 “Infodemic”Holland, Kate; Park, Sora; McCallum, Kerry; John, Emma; Fisher, Caroline; Mc-Guinness, Kieran; Young-Lee, Jee
2024Pandemic-Incited Intermediated Communication| Communicating Through Chaos in the Webtoon Parasocial Intimacy ChamberYecies, Brian; Wang, Dingkun; Amirghasemi, Mehrdad; Kariippanon, Kishan; Lu, Ming
2024Pandemic-Incited Intermediated Communication| The Homophobic Call-Outs of COVID-19: Spurring and Spreading Angry Attention From Girregi Journalism Online to YouTube in South KoreaLee, Jin; Lee, Jeehyun J.