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Resultados 5801-5810 de 8152.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Bossware| Knowledge Workers of the Digital World, Unite! Knowledge Workers’ Workplace Surveillance and Hidden Transcripts in ChinaYe, WeiMing; Zhao, Luming
2024Bossware| Rise of the Performance and Assessment Filter: Microsoft Viva “Bossware,” Presence Status, and the Power of Surveillance Machines—Sleepers Awake!Cinque, Toija
2024Bossware| Automated Monitoring in the Workplace: The Devolution of Recognition—AfterwordAndrejevic, Mark
2024Pandemic-Incited Intermediated Communication| The Construction of Distributed Trust on Bilibili Under the COVID-19 PandemicLu, Siwen; Lu, Sijing
2024Pandemic-Incited Intermediated Communication| (Mis-)Connected: Web Series, Digital Culture, and Everyday Life in LockdownEvans, Nicola; Ryan, Mark; Ellingsen, Steinar; Burkholder, Meredith; da-Silva, Leandro
2024Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| How Gender and Type of Algorithmic Group Discrimination Influence Ratings of Algorithmic Decision MakingUtz, Sonja
2024Oomen, T., Gonçalves, J., and Mols, A. (2023). Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| Rage Against the Artificial Intelligence? Understanding Contextuality of Algorithm Aversion and Appreciation. International Journal Of Communication, 18, 25. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/20809/4454Oomen, Tessa; Gonçalves, João; Mois, Anouk
2024Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| Making Algorithms Public: Reimagining Auditing From Matters of Fact to Matters of ConcernGeiger, R.; Tandon, Udayan; Gakhokidze, Anoolia; Song, Lian; Irani, Lilly
2024Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| Algorithmic Bias or Algorithmic Reconstruction? A Comparative Analysis Between AI News and Human NewsNah, Seungahn; Luo, Jun; Kim, Seungbae; Chen, Mo; Mitson, Renee; Joo, Jungseock
2024Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| The Realienation of the Commons: Wikidata and the Ethics of “Free” DataMcDowell, Zachary J.; Vetter, Matthew A.