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Resultados 5951-5960 de 8142.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Representation and Recognition: The Perceptions of Finnish and Spanish Viewers of Their Media Ecosystems and Public Service NewscastsLamuedra-Graván, María; Alonso, Elisa; Ala-Fossi, Marco
2022Comparative Perspectives on the Link Between News Media Consumption and Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Evidence From Europe, the United States, and ColombiaDe-Conninck, David; Joris, Willem; Duque, María; Schwartz, Seth J.; d'Haenens, Leen
2022From Fork Hands to Microchips: An Analysis of Trending #CovidVaccine Content on TikTokLewis, Monique; Grantham, Susan
2022The Rear Window Effect: How Users Respond to Political Discussions and Persuasive Discourses in Social MediaJordá, Beatriz; Goyanes, Manuel
2022Extending the Reminiscence Bump Effect in Nostalgic Advertising from the United States to South KoreaJu, Ilyoung; Kim, Eunjin; Bluck, Susan; Jun, Jong
2022Journalistic Roles and News Framing: A Comparative Framing Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Across China, South Korea, and the United StatesChen, Bin; Koo, Gyo
2022Media and Grassroots Activism for the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals: A Study of Postcolonial Macau From 2002 to 2021Xu, Mix
2022Sincerity Over Accuracy: Epistemic Preferences and the Persuasiveness of Uncivil and Simple RhetoricVargiu, Chiara; Nai, Alessandro
2012Análisis comparativo del comportamiento kinésico del presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, en función de la temática discursiva (curso político 2006-2007)Hernádez-Herrarte, María
2012Fundamentos del concepto de guerra generalizada en la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional (o el influjo de Von Clausewitz y de Ludendorf en Iberoamérica)Rivas-Nieto, Pedro