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Resultados 7251-7260 de 7995.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| More-Than-Tech Communities: Alternative Imaginaries Within Hacking and CraftingMora-Gámez, Fredy; Davies, Sarah R.
2012-06-05Narradores y subnarradores en el audiovisual. La voz narrativa en el informativo de televisiónRuitiña Testa, Cristóbal
2012-06-05El acontecimiento como contenido de las noticias: repensando una metodologíaSouza Leal, Bruno; Antunes, Elton; Ferreira Vaz, Paulo Bernardo
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| On the Shoulders of Automation: A Worker’s Inquiry Into the Hybrid Nature of the Legal Managed Services Industry (LPO/ALSP)Chatterjee, Sreyan
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| Solidarity and Resistance Meet Social Enterprise: The Social Logic of Alternative Cloudwork PlatformsSoriano, Cheryll R.
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Negotiating Silicon Valley Ideologies, Contesting “American” Civic Hacking: The Early Civic Hackers in South Korea and Their StruggleYoo, Danbi
2023Afterlives of the California Ideology| “Polemic Becomes Canon”: An Interview With Richard Barbrook on the Californian IdeologySchneider, Nathan
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Homesteading on a Superhighway: The Californian Ideology and Everyday PoliticsSchneider, Nathan
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| Communication and Work From Below: The Role of Communication in Organizing Delivery Platform WorkersGrohmann, Rafael; Mendonça, Mateus; Woodcock, Jamie
2023Afterlives of the California Ideology| Local Ambivalences Toward the Maker Ideology: Makerspaces, the Maker Mindset, and the Maker MovementHepp, Andreas; Schmitz, Anne