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Título : Radio, music and podcast in the consumption agenda of Colombian adolescents and youth in the digital sonosphere
Otros títulos : Communicaction & Society
Autor : Barrios-Rubio, Antonio
Palabras clave : audio
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Communicaction & Society
Citación : Barrios-Rubio, A. (2021). Radio, music and podcast in the consumption agenda of Colombian adolescents and youth in the digital sonosphere. Communication & Society,34(3), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.15581/
Resumen : his article identifies the peculiarities of audio consumption (radio, music and podcast) by Colombian adolescents and youth on their screen devices, especially the smartphone. The irruption in the digital ecosystem of radio and sound platforms redefines the industry’s relationship with new audiences. The body of research, classified into three age groups (puberty –10 to 14 years–, middle –15 to 19 years–, and full –20 to 24 years–), is made up of students in basic secondary education and university students who were consulted through a quantitative methodology (700 surveys) and a qualitative one (8 focus groups with 48 participants), which made it possible to recognize the routines and the sound agenda of the subjects of study. The results of the research outline the profile of the Colombian audio consumer, whose habits of listening to the radio alternate times of attention to the broadcast on air with the consumption of apps, websites and music distribution platforms, which evidences their digital skills and the creation of a menu that combines music, sports and entertainment content. It is a media diet built on the mediation of technological devices and the influence of family and virtual communities. The sound component is the backbone of the relationship between industry and listener, but visual and iconographic elements are added to reinforce the bonds with brand, media and producer, regardless of where audio meets audience.
URI : https://repositorio.consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec//handle/CONSEJO_REP/2316
ISSN : 2386-7876
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