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Title: The news gap in the «triple digital agenda»: The different interests of media, audience and networks
Other Titles: Communicaction & Society
Authors: Diez-Gracia, Alba
Sanchez-García, Pilar
Keywords: digital
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Communicaction & Society
Citation: Diez-Gracia, A. and Sánchez-García, P. (2022). The news gap in the ‘triple digital agenda:’ The different interests of media, audience and networks. Communication & Society,35(1), 63-80.
Abstract: Digital transformations entail continually reviewing the various Communication models and processes. The influence of the media themselves as agenda setters for an ever more active audience and social networks that select and make certain content they receive viral are also affected by such a convergent context. This current research analyses a model called here the ‘triple agenda’ within the media themselves, in which the journalistic criterion of relevance and their audience’s preferences in the web and the networks travel along different paths. The proposal includes the users and the viral effect as influencing agents in the shape and selection of news, generating a news gap of interests between the media and their audiences. In order to test this model, we study an exploratory case in ElPaí, applying a content analysis to the information (n=420) distributed among the online front page, what is most read by the audience in its webpage, and the most viral in its Twitter account. The main objective is to check whether or not these three spheres of relevance operate independently, showing different informative interests f rom the thematic selection that the medium establishes f rom its agenda, its audience and its social networks. The results confirm that there is a gap in the informative interests of the three spheres analysed, especially between the agenda marked by the medium and the interests that are reflected in their web audience, which is more attracted to soft news and the clickbait technique; while there is a greater coincidence of interests between the newspaper’s front page and the users’ selection in their social networks.
ISSN: 2386-7876
Appears in Collections:Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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