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Title: Critical discourse analysis in the study of representation, identity politics and power relations: a multi-method approach
Other Titles: Communication & Society
Authors: Caballero-Mengíbar, Ana
Keywords: critical
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Communication & Society
Citation: Caballero-Mengibar, A. (2015).Critical discourse analysis in the study of representation, identity politics and power relations: a multi-method approach.Communication & Society 28(2), 39-54.
Abstract: his article sheds light on the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as an approach for uncovering power relationsin the study of identity politics. To evaluate this approach, Idraw from my experience investigating the role of language useand the meaning contained in the discourses reproduced in twomain newspapers in Spain when referring to Spaniards inrelation to immigrants from the Global South. Drawing fromthis case study, I argue that CDA is an invaluable approachwhen used to expose patterns of language use which allows foruncovering, vis à vis critical evaluation, the production ofknowledge in society. However, using CDA involves developinga creative research design. A multidisciplinary and multimethodologicalapproach, largue, is desirable whenresearching in CDA to seek explanation, to fully uncovering andexplaining obscured exploitative/unequal social powerrelations, and to enact social change.
ISSN: 2386-7876
Appears in Collections:Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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