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Title: When Partisans Do Not Share Partisan News: Third-Person Effect in an Era of Polarized Politics
Other Titles: International Journal of Communication
Authors: Lee, Seungsu
Cho, Jaeho
Keywords: media
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: International Journal of Communication
Citation: Lee, S., and Cho, J. (2024). When Partisans Do Not Share Partisan News: Third-Person Effect in an Era of Polarized Politics. International Journal Of Communication, 18, 24.
Abstract: In the context of partisan news, the present study examines (1) how partisan news slant and comparison target interact in inducing the third-person perception (TPP) and (2) how TPP is related to online behavioral reactions to the news. An online experiment reveals a significant interaction between content slant (proattitudinal vs. counterattitudinal news) and comparison target (in-group vs. out-group others) on TPP. That is, TPP as a function of exposure to proattitudinal news, as compared to exposure to counterattitudinal news, is larger when the comparison target is out-group members. Further, the interaction pattern is more evident among strong partisans. Next, TPP indirectly reduces news-sharing/posting/commenting intention through devaluing perceived news quality. Yet, the indirect effect is significant only when partisans are compared with political out-group members, not to in-group members. This implies that partisans are motivated to correct public opinion by suppressing the opposite side in the online public sphere.
ISSN: 1932-8036
Appears in Collections:Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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