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Title: “Trust, Then Verify”: When and Why People Fact-Check Partisan Information
Other Titles: International Journal of Communication
Authors: Walter, Nathan
Edgerly, Stephanie
Saucier, Camille
Keywords: credibility
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: International Journal of Communication
Citation: Walter, N., Edgerly, S., and Saucier, C. (2021). “Trust, Then Verify”: When and Why People Fact-Check Partisan Information. International Journal Of Communication, 15, 21.
Abstract: Using two experiments, the present studies examine the motivations (accuracy goals versus directional goals) underlying verification intentions and fact-checking. Study 1 explores the role of news article uncertainty and ideological congruence in motivating individuals to fact-check, proposing a mediation model that involves perceptions of speaker credibility and message accuracy. Study 2 complements these findings and tests the ability to reduce ideological bias by providing readers with a forewarning “note from the editor” regarding the partisan nature of the article. The findings point to the importance of considering the motivations for fact-checking and the need to distinguish between “affirming fact-checkers” and “informing fact-checkers.”
ISSN: 1932-8036
Appears in Collections:Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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