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Título : Parental Rejection After Coming Out: Detachment, Shame, and the Reparative Power of Romantic Love
Otros títulos : International Journal of Communication
Autor : Kim, Hye
Jeong, David
Appleby, Paul
Christensen, John
Miller, Carol
Palabras clave : romantic
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : International Journal of Communication
Citación : Kim, H., Jeong, D., Appleby, P., Christensen, J., and Miller, L. (2021). Parental Rejection After Coming Out: Detachment, Shame, and the Reparative Power of Romantic Love. International Journal Of Communication, 15, 20. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/16521/3528
Resumen : Identity development is a fragile process for any youth, but this fragility may be entangled with greater complexity for young men who have sex with men (YMSM), particularly if confronted by rejection from those “closest to home”: their parents. While parental rejection to coming out may contribute to a range of maladaptive effects, the present work aims to distill the underlying mechanisms of such effects, specifically by exploring the intersection of self-disclosure and emotional intimacy. Drawing from a sample of YMSM age 18 to 24 (N = 364), we found that the link between YMSM’s emotional detachment from their fathers in response to their coming out and the experience of shame surrounding their sexuality was indirectly and serially mediated by YMSM’s positive associations with emotional bonding needs and intimacy with their romantic partner. Findings provide initial support for the reparative potential of romantic bonding and intimacy to heal identity-based shame from parental rejection and detachment, which would otherwise be a source of self-devaluation of YMSM’s identity.
URI : https://repositorio.consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec//handle/CONSEJO_REP/8990
ISSN : 1932-8036
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos

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