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Resultados 5801-5810 de 7317.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Understanding Fake News Corrective Action: A Mixed-Method ApproachGil-de-Zúñiga, Homero; Goyanes, Manuel; Skurka, Chris
2023“I Urgently Need Your Advice”—Digital Stress Experiences and Social Support in Online ForumsNitsch, Codula; Kinnebrock, Susanne
2023Popes as Public Diplomats: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Vatican’s Foreign Engagement and StorytellingArceneaux, Phillip
2023From Symbolic Obscurity to Cultural Visibility? African Immigrants on U.S. Television and the Ambivalence of Nigerians on American SitcomOyedemi, Taks
2023Bayesian Multilevel Modeling and Its Application in Comparative Journalism StudiesChang, Chung H.; Rauchfleisch, Adrian
2023Surviving or Thriving? Examining the Impact of Digital Connective Politics in Primary-Level Cadres’ Live-Streaming E-Commerce in ChinaZhao, Yupei; Wu, Wanyan; Lin, Zhonxuan
2023The Role of Team and Social Identity in Parasocial Relationships and Parasocial Breakups: Lionel Messi’s Departure From FC BarcelonaMikkilineni, Sai D.; Billings, Andrew C.; Brown, Kennon A.; Ramon, Xavier
2023Emojis in Parties’ Online Communication During the 2019 European Election Campaign: Toward a Typology of Political Emoji UseWurst, Ana K.; Pohl, Katharina; Haßler, Jörg; Jackson, Daniel
2023Before and After the 2017 Gulf Crisis: Peace, Propaganda, and Violence Frames in Al-Jazeera’s Coverage of Bahrain’s UprisingAbdul-Nabi, Zainab
2023Interrogating Dominant Ideology in Media Representations of Witchcraft-Related Gendered Violence: The Case of Mariama Akua DentehMohammed, Wumpini F.