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Resultados 5591-5600 de 7317.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Elite Hostility Toward Journalism, News Trust, and the Mediating Role of Fear for Motivating Public Support of News MediaPeifer, Jason T.; Haskell, Alexis
2023It’s Nothing but a Deepfake! The Effects of Misinformation and Deepfake Labels Delegitimizing an Authentic Political SpeechHameleers, Michael; Franziska, Marquart
2023Engaged and Uncivil? Incivility and Engagement on Twitter Over a Televised Presidential Debate in ChileRosenberg, Andrés; Saldaña, Magdalena; Porath, William
2023“Meme-Ing” Peace in Northern Ireland: Exploring the Everyday Politics of Internet Memes in Belfast RiotsGusic, Ivan; Lundqvist, Martin
2023How did #StopAsianHate and #BlackLivesMatter React to Each Other After the Atlanta Shootings: An Analysis of Twitter Hashtag NetworksKim, Jihye; Kim, Jae
2015La pirámide de la divulgación científica aplicada en Santiago de CubaVillalón García, Giovanni L.
2023The Trust Factor: Investigating the Triple Role of News Media Trust on Perceived Migrant ThreatDe-Coninck, David; Boomgarden, Hajo G.; Kronschnabl, Hannah; d'Haenens, Leen
2023A Revealing “Confession” or Another Publicity Stunt? Reflections on Social Media Entrepreneurship on WeiboSun, Q.
2023Enjoyment of Murder Mystery Game Reality Shows: The Influence of Affective Disposition, Suspense and Parasocial InteractionsZhi, Li; Fan, Fei; Jiang, Wey
2023Reading Emotions in the Digital Age: A Deep Learning Approach to Detecting Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Social MediaJeong, Jinwoo; Yoon, Sujin; Sohn, Dongyong; Choi, Young S.