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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 7606
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Mind the Gap! Journalism on Social Media and News Consumption Among Young AudiencesVásquez-Herrero, Jorge; Negreira-Rey, María C.; Sixto-García, José
2022Now Dating on Steroids: Play and Nostalgia in the Mediatization of Gay Cruising in the PhilippinesSolis, Randy J
2022The Role of a Bystander in Targets’ Perceptions of Teasing Among Friends: Are You Really Teasing Me?Kim, Ildo; Palomares, Nicholas
2022Consumptive News Feed Curation on Social Media: A Moderated Mediation Model of News Interest, Affordance Utilization, and FriendingSu, Yan; Xiao, Xizhu; Borah, Porismita; Hong, Xi; Sun, Chang
2022Making the COVID-19 Pandemic Visible: The Power of Grassroots Mapping Initiativesde-Souza e Silva, Adriana
2022Mediatization Research and Causality: Toward a Critical Realist OntologyAnsaldo, Sebastián
2022Thirty Years After the German Reunification—Exploring Stereotypes About East Germans on TwitterZehring, Maximilian; Domahidi, Emese
2024Mapping the Global Audiences of Russia’s Domestic News: How Social Networks Function as Transmitters of Authoritarian News to Foreign AudiencesKling, Julia
2022Affective Networked Space: Polymedia Affordances and Transnational Digital Communication Among the Rohingya DiasporaAziz, Abdul
2022“Pivoting to Instability”: Metajournalistic Discourse, Reflexivity and the Economics and Effects of a Shrinking IndustryFerrucci, Patrick
2022Influence of Fake News Exposure on Perceived Media Bias: The Moderating Role of Party IdentityArdèvol-Abreu, Alberto
2022Evaluating the Influence of Metaphor in News on Foreign-Policy SupportArens, Kathleen; Burgers, Christian; Zhong, Yin
2022Toward an Employee Communication Mediation Model: Exploring the Effects of Social Media Engagement on Employee–Organization Relationships and AdvocacyWang, Yuan; Cheng, Yang; Gonzebach, William
2022Visualizing Politics in Indonesia: The Design and Distribution of Election PostersFox, Colm A.
2022Whose Voices Count?: Sourcing U.S. American Television News About the WorldOh, David C.; Banjo, Omotayo; Jennings, Nancy
2018-01-26Tecno-adicción al sexo en la población juvenil: Propuesta de ítems para el diseño de una escala de detección y cribadoSerrano Villalobos, Olga; Martínez Martínez, Luz; Niño González, José Ignacio
2018-01-21El espectáculo del exceso. Representaciones de la crisis financiera de 2008 en el cine mainstream norteamericanoMarzal-Felici, Javier; Soler-Campillo, María
2018-01-18Industrias culturales y composición de los personajes en las series de animación infantil emitidas en EspañaOrtega-Mohedano, Félix; Jiménez-Sánchez, Álvaro; María Lavín, José
2018-01-17Conversaciones políticas en Facebook. Explorando el papel de la homofilia en la argumentación y la interacción comunicativaValera-Ordaz, Lidia; Calvo, Dafne; López-García, Guillermo
2018-01-17La profesionalización de los youtubers: el caso de Verdeliss y las marcasElorriaga Illera, Angeriñe; Monge Benito, Sergio
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 7606