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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 4221 a 4240 de 7621
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2012Presència i participació de treballadors i col·laboradors a les emissores de ràdio locals i comarcals de CatalunyaSolà Saña, Sergi; Micó Sanz, Josep Lluís
2012¿Por qué leer la prensa regional hoy en día?Ballarini, Loïc
2012Todo está cambiando. Situación de crisis, contexto de oportunidadesDoménech Fabregat, Hugo
2015Influence of character type and narrative setting on character desing for fictional television seriesIgartua, Juan J.; Marcos Ramos, María
2015Building the agenda and news frames about countries facing humanitarian crises: news values and selection of information sourcesArdèvol-Abreu, Alberto
2015Gender representations in East Asian advertising: Hong Kong, Japan, and Shouth KoreaPrieler, Michael; Ivanov, Alex; Hagiwara, Shigeru
2015The communication policy of the European Commission: radio broadcasting since the 90s, from Radio E to Euranet PlusGallego, Juan I.; Fernández-Sande, Manuel; Demonget, Ariane
2015PR’s early response to the "information superhighway": the IPRA narrativeWatson, Tom
2015Interactions among life, scientific work and academic structures. The case of Gerhard MaletzkeLacasa Mas, Iván; Meyen, M.; Löblich, M.
2015Convergence and interaction in the new media: typologies of prosumers among university studentsSánchez-Martínez, María; Ibar-Alonso, Raquel
2015References in communication policy research: a bibliographical characterization of articles published by Spanish authorsCasado, Miguel Ángel; Fernádez-Quijada, David
2015Editorial charters and newsroom councils in media corporations: a view from the perspective of corporate social responsibilitySánchez-de-la-Nieta, Miguel A.; Monfort, Abel; Fuente-Cobo, Carmen
2015Critical discourse analysis in the study of representation, identity politics and power relations: a multi-method approachCaballero-Mengíbar, Ana
2015Euro crisis metaphors in the Spanish pressArrese, Ángel
2015Creative women in Peru: outliers in a machismo worldMensa-Torras, Marta; Grow, Jean M.
2015Self-regulation of offline and online journalism in Spain in the experience of the Arbitration, Complaints and Ethics CommissionSuárez-Villegas, Juan C.
2015The influence of community structure on crime news coverage: structural pluralism, ethnic diversity, and local crime newsKim, Jae H.; Abisaid, Joseph
2019-03-20Los géneros televisivos y la audiencia en diferido en España: la ficción vence a la actualidadGallardo-Camacho, Jorge; Lavín, Eva
2019-03-20Personas refugiadas, migrantes y desplazadas en la frontera Sur. Estudio comparado del tratamiento periodístico en siete países de la Unión EuropaDe Frutos García, Ruth; Vicente-Mariño, Miguel
2019-03-20Jóvenes y videojuegos. Percepciones sobre su tratamiento informativo en los medios de comunicaciónEstanyol, Elisenda; Montaña, Mireia; Planells, Antonio José
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 4221 a 4240 de 7621