Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 4221 a 4240 de 7621
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2012 | Presència i participació de treballadors i col·laboradors a les emissores de ràdio locals i comarcals de Catalunya | Solà Saña, Sergi; Micó Sanz, Josep Lluís |
2012 | ¿Por qué leer la prensa regional hoy en día? | Ballarini, Loïc |
2012 | Todo está cambiando. Situación de crisis, contexto de oportunidades | Doménech Fabregat, Hugo |
2015 | Influence of character type and narrative setting on character desing for fictional television series | Igartua, Juan J.; Marcos Ramos, María |
2015 | Building the agenda and news frames about countries facing humanitarian crises: news values and selection of information sources | Ardèvol-Abreu, Alberto |
2015 | Gender representations in East Asian advertising: Hong Kong, Japan, and Shouth Korea | Prieler, Michael; Ivanov, Alex; Hagiwara, Shigeru |
2015 | The communication policy of the European Commission: radio broadcasting since the 90s, from Radio E to Euranet Plus | Gallego, Juan I.; Fernández-Sande, Manuel; Demonget, Ariane |
2015 | PR’s early response to the "information superhighway": the IPRA narrative | Watson, Tom |
2015 | Interactions among life, scientific work and academic structures. The case of Gerhard Maletzke | Lacasa Mas, Iván; Meyen, M.; Löblich, M. |
2015 | Convergence and interaction in the new media: typologies of prosumers among university students | Sánchez-Martínez, María; Ibar-Alonso, Raquel |
2015 | References in communication policy research: a bibliographical characterization of articles published by Spanish authors | Casado, Miguel Ángel; Fernádez-Quijada, David |
2015 | Editorial charters and newsroom councils in media corporations: a view from the perspective of corporate social responsibility | Sánchez-de-la-Nieta, Miguel A.; Monfort, Abel; Fuente-Cobo, Carmen |
2015 | Critical discourse analysis in the study of representation, identity politics and power relations: a multi-method approach | Caballero-Mengíbar, Ana |
2015 | Euro crisis metaphors in the Spanish press | Arrese, Ángel |
2015 | Creative women in Peru: outliers in a machismo world | Mensa-Torras, Marta; Grow, Jean M. |
2015 | Self-regulation of offline and online journalism in Spain in the experience of the Arbitration, Complaints and Ethics Commission | Suárez-Villegas, Juan C. |
2015 | The influence of community structure on crime news coverage: structural pluralism, ethnic diversity, and local crime news | Kim, Jae H.; Abisaid, Joseph |
2019-03-20 | Los géneros televisivos y la audiencia en diferido en España: la ficción vence a la actualidad | Gallardo-Camacho, Jorge; Lavín, Eva |
2019-03-20 | Personas refugiadas, migrantes y desplazadas en la frontera Sur. Estudio comparado del tratamiento periodístico en siete países de la Unión Europa | De Frutos García, Ruth; Vicente-Mariño, Miguel |
2019-03-20 | Jóvenes y videojuegos. Percepciones sobre su tratamiento informativo en los medios de comunicación | Estanyol, Elisenda; Montaña, Mireia; Planells, Antonio José |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 4221 a 4240 de 7621