Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 7486
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Imagining 5G Networks: Infrastructure and Public AccountabilityMansell, Robin; Plantin, Jean C.
2022“Let’s Check it Seriously”: Localizing Fact-Checking Practice in ChinaLiu, Yusi; Zhou, Ruiming
2022Job Satisfaction and Social Media Use: Cognitive Reflection and Journalists’ Utilization in Egypt and the United StatesEl-Ibiary, Rasha; Calfano, Brian
2022Testing Risk Information Seeking and Avoidance in the Context of HPV Vaccination: A Comparison of Disease Risks and Vaccine-Related RisksHong, Soo J; Kim, Yungwook
2022Social Media Use and Political Consumerism During the U.S.-China Trade Conflict: An Application of the O-S-R-O-R ModelLu, Yanquin; Vierrether, Tanja; Wu, Qianxi; Durfee, Morgan; Chen, Peigin
2022The Impact of Digital Media on Daily Rhythms: Intrapersonal Diversification and Interpersonal DifferentiationZhou, Yixin; Zhu, Jonathan
2022Ego-Network Difference, Political Communication, and Affective Polarization During Political ContentionLee, Francis
2022Anger Yes, Boycott No: Third-Person Effects and the China–U.S. Trade WarLo, Ven; Kuo, Liangwen; Wei, Ran; Li, Zongya
2022Russian Popular Geopolitics During Crisis and WarCelikkol, Yasemin
2022Brands Are Human on Social Media: The Effectiveness of Human Tone-of-Voice on Consumer Engagement and Purchase Intentions Through Social PresenceJeong, Hyun; Chung, Deborah; Kim, Jihye
2022Building Ideal Workplaces: Labor, Affect, and Identity in Tech for Good ProjectsRider, Karina
2022Differing Influences of Political Communication: Examining How News Use and Conversation Shape Political Engagement in NigeriaAdegbola, Oluseyi; Ghearhart, Sherice; Zhang, Bingbing
2022International Students’ Direct and Parasocial Contact and Attitudes Toward American Host Nationals: The Mediating Role of Cultural IdentificationTerigele, Teri; Zhang, Yan; Jiang, Huang
2022Engagement With Social Media Posts in Experimental and Naturalistic Settings: How Do Message Incongruence and Incivility Influence Commenting?Yu, Xudong; Gil-López, Teresa; Shen, Cuihua; Wojcieszak, Magdalena
2022BLM Movement Frames Among the Muted Voices: Actor-Generated Infographics on Instagram During #BlackoutTuesdayWeber, Kirsten M.; Smith, Holly A.; Madsen, Bradley; Dejmanee, Tisha; Zaher, Zulfia
2019-07-29Twitter como solución a la comunicación europea. Análisis comparado en Alemania, Reino Unido y EspañaTuñón Navarro, Jorge; Carral Vilar, Uxía
2019-03-01Más allá de la ilusión de paz en Colombia. Articulación de voces locales contra la violencia narrativaRuiz-Romero, Gabriel Alberto; Múnera Barbosa, Beatriz E.
2019-07-29Artivismo plus Grassroots. Estudio del caso: la Campaña Municipal de Manuela CarmenaLópez-Trigo Reig, María; Puchalt López, María; Cuesta Díaz, Victoria
2019-07-26El neuromarketing, como herramienta efectiva para la educación en las ventas y la publicidadGutiérrez Cárdenas, Guillermo
2019-03-07Del “engaño de masas” de la teoría crítica al “vecindario indefinido” de BaumanNúñez Ladevéze, Luis; Vázquez Barrio, Tamara; Álvarez de Mon Pan de Soraluce, Ignacio
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 7486