Documentos internacionales sobre libertad de expresión y derechos conexos Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 621 a 640 de 7441
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Política, sanidad y desinformación: argumentos en Instagram de los partidos de extrema derecha europea sobre las vacunas contra la COVID-19Sánchez-Castillo, Sebastián; López-Olano, Carlos; Peris-Blanes, Àlvar
2023Estigmatización social en el tratamiento informativo de la obesidad en la prensa española durante la pandemiaCamacho Markina, Idoia; Goikoetxea Bilbao, Udane; Marauri Castillo, Iñigo
2023La monarquía española a examen: del silencio consensuado de los medios a los enfoques de ataque y defensa en el caso de los escándalos de Juan Carlos IHerrero-Jiménez, Beatriz; Berganza, Rosa; Gómez Montero, Eva Luisa
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| Solidarity and Resistance Meet Social Enterprise: The Social Logic of Alternative Cloudwork PlatformsSoriano, Cheryll R.
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| On the Shoulders of Automation: A Worker’s Inquiry Into the Hybrid Nature of the Legal Managed Services Industry (LPO/ALSP)Chatterjee, Sreyan
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| Communication and Work From Below: The Role of Communication in Organizing Delivery Platform WorkersGrohmann, Rafael; Mendonça, Mateus; Woodcock, Jamie
2023Worker Resistance in Digital Capitalism| Algorithmized Not Atomized: The Distributed Solidarity of Jakarta’s Gig WorkersQadri, Rida
2023Afterlives of the California Ideology| “Polemic Becomes Canon”: An Interview With Richard Barbrook on the Californian IdeologySchneider, Nathan
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Homesteading on a Superhighway: The Californian Ideology and Everyday PoliticsSchneider, Nathan
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Deepest Mediatization? Inventing the Autonomous VehicleMiller, James
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Negotiating Silicon Valley Ideologies, Contesting “American” Civic Hacking: The Early Civic Hackers in South Korea and Their StruggleYoo, Danbi
2023Afterlives of the California Ideology| Local Ambivalences Toward the Maker Ideology: Makerspaces, the Maker Mindset, and the Maker MovementHepp, Andreas; Schmitz, Anne
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| More-Than-Tech Communities: Alternative Imaginaries Within Hacking and CraftingMora-Gámez, Fredy; Davies, Sarah R.
2023Afterlives of the Californian Ideology| Building Blockchain Frontiers: Ethereum as an Extension of the Californian IdeologyBrody, Ann; Kneese, Tamara; Frizzo-Barker, Julie
2023The Role of Media in Political Polarization| The SPIR Framework of Social Media and Polarization: Exploring the Role of Selection, Platform Design, Incentives, and Real-World ContextHarris, Elizabeth; Rathje, Steve; Robertson, Claire E.; Van-Babel, Jay J.
2023The Role of Media in Political Polarization| Inoculation Can Reduce the Perceived Reliability of Polarizing Social Media ContentHarrop, Isobel; Roozenbeek, Jon; Madsen, Jens; van-der-Linden, Sander
2023The Role of Media in Political Polarization| When We Have to Get Along: Depolarizing Impacts of Cross-Cutting Social MediaStude, Daniel J.; Knobloch-Westerwick, Silvia
2023The Role of Media in Political Polarization| Mediatized Campaign Attacks Fuel Affective Polarization if Perceived as Negative: Experimental Evidence With American VotersNai, Alessandro; Maier, Jürgen
2023Is Netflix Riding the Korean Wave or Vice Versa?| Kingdom Cultures: Zombie Growth and Netflix KoreaJeon, Joseph
2012-06-05El acontecimiento como contenido de las noticias: repensando una metodologíaSouza Leal, Bruno; Antunes, Elton; Ferreira Vaz, Paulo Bernardo
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 621 a 640 de 7441